Today I teach you Extra Crispy Fried Chicken Kfc style There are lots of people who do not know the best way to fry chicken
I believe it’s easy to prepare dinner however the issue for some just isn’t cooking it long enough. If you have got this problem the place your chicken is not cooked by,

Maybe you must put money into getting a meat thermometer. It is necessary to totally prepare dinner chicken to prevent salmonella.
I remember the first time I fried chicken in high school. I was 16 years old and had seen it cooked many times but never tried to prepare it myself.
I believed I used to be doing an important job because it was so golden on the skin.
I recall fixing a plate and biting into the chicken and red juices oozed out of it. It was disgusting. I’ve come a long way since then.
Extra Crispy Fried Chicken Kfc
I wish to share how I fry my chicken ideally thighs and legs that are our favorite chicken parts to eat in my family.
- 7 pieces of the chicken drumstick with skin
- 2 tbsp red chili powder
- 2 tbsp dry ginger powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp white pepper powder
- 1 tsp black pepper powder
- 1 tbsp hot chili sauce
- 3 tbsp vinegar
- 1 tbsp salt
- 2 cup dry flour
- 1 tbsp Chinese salt
- 1 tbsp mustard paste

- In a large mixing boil red chili powder 2 tbsp dry ginger powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp white pepper powder, 1 tsp black pepper powder, 1 tbsp hot chili sauce, 3 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp Chinese salt, 1 tbsp mustard paste mix well like a paste.

- Now add all chicken drumstick mix very well. Marination time 3 hours.
- After marination, In a large mixing bowl add dry flour, one by one add drumstick, and fully cover on dry flour on the chicken drumstick. Well, coating all chicken drumstick.

- In a cooking pot add oil for deep frying.
- Once your oil is hot add one by one chicken pieces. 10 to 12 min of frying time.

- Once chicken drumstick golden color and crispy. Serve hot.
Extra Crispy Fried Chicken Kfc
- 7 pieces of the chicken drumstick with skin
- 2 tbsp red chili powder
- 2 tbsp dry ginger powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp white pepper powder
- 1 tsp black pepper powder
- 1 tbsp hot chili sauce
- 3 tbsp vinegar
- 1 tbsp salt
- 2 cup dry flour
- 1 tbsp Chinese salt
- 1 tbsp mustard paste
- Oil for frying
- In a large mixing boil red chili powder, 2 tbsp dry ginger powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp white pepper powder, 1 tsp black pepper powder, 1 tbsp hot chili sauce, 3 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp Chinese salt, 1 tbsp mustard paste mix well like a paste.
- Now add all chicken drumstick mix very well. Marination time 3 hours.
- After marination, In a large mixing bowl add dry flour, one by one add drumstick, and fully cover on dry flour on the chicken drumstick. Well, coating all chicken drumstick.
- In a cooking pot add oil for deep frying.
- Once your oil is hot add one by one chicken pieces. 10 to 12 min of frying time.
- Once chicken drumstick golden color and crispy. Serve hot.